Monday 11 July 2016

Anagrammer Arcade : Scrabjack



Blackjack is a tough game to master on its own, but Scrabjack is a whole different ball game. Your main goal would be to beat the dealer by having words that are stronger than his (and essentially getting a profit for that round)


Much like blackjack, you have a couple of mats (3 in this case) to place your inital bets on, and the dealer will deal 2 cards each to those mats.

From there, you have a couple of options

HIT - Tell the dealer to give one more card to that mat. This also increases the bet by 2.

STAND - Tells the dealer not to give any more cards to that mat. Also effectively completes the mat

SPLIT - This option is possible when you have an even number of cards on the mat AND the mat has a even bet amount. You will be able to shift half the cards, along with half the bet to a different mat.

DOUBLE - The bet for the mat is doubled and the dealer will deal cards to the mat until it hits 7 cards. This option is only possible when the mat has 5 or 6 cards. You will be insured half your money if it has 5. Completes the mat

TRIPLE - The bet for the mat is tripled and the dealer will deal cards to the mat until it has 7 cards. This option is only possible when the mat has 4 or 5 cards. You will be insured half your money if it has 4. Completes the mat

JOIN - You can actually drag an uncompleted mat to another mat to join the cards and bets on both mats.

How do you win, you ask? Well, the idea is to have a rack that forms a word on as many mats as possible. 7 letter words are of course the ideality to target, but 6 or 5 letter words may still work in certain situations.

After you've completed all mats with cards on them, the dealer will have to draw 6 cards to complement the 2 he already has and he needs to form the strongest word possible out of those 8 cards (Dont worry, he can't form an 8 letter word), and see whether he can beat as many of your words as possible.

An important thing to note is that, if you have 3 or 4 mats with words, the dealer will actually get a 2nd chance to beat you if he loses the first time. If you have 5 or 6 mats with words, the dealer will get a 2nd AND 3rd chance to beat you. So try to keep to 1 or 2 mats at the end of your turn.

You win the round by gaining money (The value of the mats that beat the dealer must be greater than the value of the mats that lose fo the dealer or are busted.)


Yeah erm.... I'm not exactly that good at this game myself.

Token Ratio

1 : 12
But its a bit more complicated than that.

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